Thursday, January 05, 2006

Old Wisdom - Nature Ancestral Tracks

Coming to the Golden Grove I noticed the grass had
turned golden, the summer grass, that almost glows.
Ancient Monterey pines stretch out in rows and
forests, among the poplars, elms and hedgerows.
Then I realised everything was allright as it was,
that where I was had its own intelligence, one
that is not always understood by humans.
A little way further on the path, a water fowl
with her young were making their crossing. Sensing people
nearby, she quickly fled with her babies, hiding them in the
tall, golden grasses. She stood guard herself, playing dead.
The water fowl had nothing to fear from me, and she
was beautiful, young and brown, with a sheen of
peacock coloured feathers. She was going on instinct.
Then I moved away and she flew off, as if she expected me
to chase her, which I didn't do, and then raced away from
her babies. A companion on the road said she was
acting as a decoy. Clever. The confusion about her
seeing a nature-loving human as a threat disappointed me.
Why do they have to fear humans so much? And who says
ducks are dumb? I just thought she was beautiful
and felt very proud of her. No doubt this worked with
foxes, where she would make herself a decoy and then
fly off, once the fox was diverted away from the babies, and then
immediately circles back to the grasses back to them.
(You can see her here, far right on the road, although very slightly, because she
wouldn't let me close. The babies are parallel left of me, completely invisible in the golden grasses,
as I take the picture, so she is far away.)

copyright Monika Roleff 2006.


At 2:50 PM, Blogger Luna said...

These pictures are lovely. Where are you?

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Australia. It looks like that in summer.

At 10:20 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

These photographs are stunning. The Australian country road is perfect, especially with that light Monika.


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